Augusta-Bridge Creek Joint Municipal Court
Court held the third Thursday of every month
Juveniles-4:30 PM Adults-4:45 PM
145 W Lincoln Street, P.O Box 475
Augusta, WI 54722
Phone: (715) 286-2555 ext 100
Court Payments with Credit/Debit Cards
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do when I receive a citation?
Each citation tells you the nature of the violation charged against you. You must answer the charge by entering a plea.
Your court date is shown on the citation.
If your citation was marked Mandatory Appearance, you must appear in person at the date and time written on your citation at the Municipal Court, 145 W Lincoln Street Augusta WI 54722. This is your initial appearance, and you will make a plea. Based on your plea of Guilty, No Contest or Not Guilty, the Court will direct you what to do next.
What will happen if I do not appear on my court date for Non-Mandatory Appearances?
If your citation was marked Non-Mandatory Appearance, you must pay your fine or enter a plea within 3 business days prior to your court date. If you fail to pay or enter a plea and also fail to appear in court on your scheduled court date, the judge will enter a default judgment against you. A default judgment is a finding of guilt and a sentence ordered by the court in your absence.
What are the different pleas I may enter?
You may plead that you are GUILTY, NOT GUILTY or NO CONTEST to the charge against you.
What does a plea of GUILTY mean?
If you plead GUILTY, you admit you committed the violation. The judge will set the fine and tell you when it is due. If you cannot pay the fine immediately, you may ask the judge for more time to pay.
What does a plea of NO CONTEST mean?
If you plead NO CONTEST, you declare you are neither guilty nor not guilty. You merely want to get the matter over with and pay the fine. As a result of this plea, you will be found GUILTY, but this finding cannot be used against you or an admission of guilt if you appear in any other court action related to the charge against you.
What does a plea of NOT GUILTY mean?
If you plead NOT GUILTY, you deny committing the violation charged against you. The court will give you a new date to appear for a Pretrial Conference. At your Pretrial Conference, you will meet with the City/Town representative, to discuss the case. If an agreement can be reached between you and the City or Town, the judge will review the agreement and decide whether to approve it. If you cannot reach an agreement, you will be given a trial date on the case.
Can I reschedule my Initial Appearance date?
You may reschedule your Initial Appearance Court date one time as long as you call prior to your Court date to reschedule.
I missed my Court date. Can I get my case reopened?
By Wisconsin State Law, a defendant has six (6) months from the date of entry of judgment to file a request to reopen a citation.
To get a matter reopened, you must come to the Municipal Court Office to fill out a Request to Reopen form. Pursuant to Wis. Stat. 814.07 the court may require the defendant to pay costs up to $300.00. If the motion is granted, you will be contacted by the Municipal Court Clerk. If the motion is denied, a letter of explanation will be sent. There is no guarantee that your case will be reopened even if you send the letter and pay the fee. The final decision is up to the Judge.
If there is a suspension of driver's license, arrest warrant issued for failing to pay the forfeiture or if the debt has been submitted to State Debt Collection/TRIP those penalties will not be cancelled until the case is ordered reopened by the Municipal Judge.
What will happen if I fail to pay a forfeiture on time?
The failure to pay a forfeiture or comply with a court order will result in serious consequences. Depending upon the nature of the charges, a failure to comply with a court order may result in a driver’s license suspension, vehicle registration suspension, interception of your tax refund, refer your debt to collection via the Department of Revenue’s State Debt Collection program, or an arrest warrant resulting in a commitment to jail. If you are unable to comply with a court order you must contact the Municipal Court Office before the due date to request a payment plan. If you fall under poverty as set forth in Wisconsin State Statutes 814.29(1)(d) you must schedule a Poverty Hearing with the Municipal Court before your due date.
What should I do if I can’t pay my payment plan by the due date?
If your circumstances change and you are unable to comply with your payment plan, you must notify the Court by contacting the Municipal Clerk at 715-286-2555 Ext 100 Monday-Thursday, 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. prior to your payment plan due date.
What do I do if my payment falls due on a weekend or holiday?
You may pay the next business day when the Municipal Court office reopens.
I didn’t pay my fines and now my Driver’s License is suspended. What can I do?
If this is the only suspension/revocation on your driving record, you must first pay your fine to the Court. Once paid, you will have to wait up to 48 business hours for your Driver’s License suspension to be lifted. Until you pay the reinstatement fee to the Department of Transportation, your license will not be valid. To check the status of your Wisconsin Driver’s License, you can either call DOT at (608) 266-2261 or you can go on their website at www.dot.wisconsin.gov. If you are eligible, you will be able to pay the reinstatement fee either by going to the DOT or paying online.
Do I need an attorney to represent me?
No, you may or may not hire an attorney to represent you. An attorney will not be appointed to represent you by the court because matters do not involve criminal charges.